TORONTO – The government of Ontario has pledged additional funding for the 50 Million Tree Program through the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Account Initiative. This increased support allows Forests Ontario and its partners to continue to work toward healthy, abundant, and sustainably-managed forests across Ontario.

The government of Ontario’s 50 Million Tree Program offers landowners with 2.5 acres or more of open land to apply for funding support to cover a significant portion of the costs of planting trees to create new forests on their property. To date, more than 22 million trees have been planted through this program, establishing a legacy of clean air and water, enhanced biodiversity, and a more resilient ecosystem, according to Forests Ontario.

“As outlined in Ontario’s Climate Change Action Plan, our natural systems play an important role in mitigating climate change. By providing additional financial support to the 50 Million Tree Program, the Ontario government is providing increased incentive for landowners to participate in the program,” explains Rob Keen, CEO of Forests Ontario. “We are grateful to have the support of the government of Ontario to deliver on our commitment to growing and caring for tomorrow’s forests.”

To learn more about the 50 Million Tree Program and other tree planting programs, as well as local tree planting workshops, visit:

Forests Ontario administers the government of Ontario’s 50 Million Tree Program, part of the United Nations Billion Tree Campaign. The United Nations’ goal is to plant one billion trees worldwide each year. Ontario is committed to planting 50 million trees by 2025.

The 50 Million Tree Program is designed to significantly reduce the costs to landowners of large-scale tree planting and thereby increase the number of trees planted across the province.